Monday, February 9, 2015

Cherishing This Time...These Moments

Each week their little kicks and punches get stronger and stronger. I love the way it feels when they move and wriggle about. They've yet to reach a point where their kicks are painful. But even when they do I doubt that I would not like it.

This time is but a fleeting moment. My ever growing bump is certainly temporary. There will be a day when my little ones are born and growing by leaps and bounds every day. Before I know it they will be leaving our nest to test life's waters on there own.

So I will take the advice that many pregnant woman say they would have told themselves at this very moment: "Enjoy this now. Don't stress about what ifs or maybes. Rub your belly and love on your children because then is sooner then you realize."

- Audrey

Monday, January 26, 2015

19 weeks + 6 days: GET IT TOGETHER AUDREY!

So these two babies will be here in May/June! That means I am halfway thru this pregnancy! And I am excited to the max. I love our babies and can't wait to have two healthy infants in my arms in May/June.

But I am slacking in the planning department. Big time! And I need to get it together for real. So I am going to put into practice something we do at my job called at WIG. This stands for Wildly Incredible Goal. This is something I need to do in my life but keeps getting pushed back for various reasons. So this week I will make a list of potential pediatrician a to interview in a couple of weeks.

I think one reason I am stuck even though my anticipation level is high is because I have to make decisions. Definite ones. Being a mother I will have to assume my position on a lot of issues and hold true to them.

God help my decision making and my planning process.

Monday, January 12, 2015

17 weeks + 6 days: For Sure I Felt Them!

As these weeks go by the developments are more amazing with each day. Certain somedays I do get a little freaked cause I my belly feels a little deflated in the mornings or I just feel uneasiness for no particular reason at all. But at some point I say a small prayer for peace and sound mind during this pregnancy and God, the merciful, calms my mind.

So far it's been a big goose egg for me. Yes I'm practically 18 weeks pregnant with twins and I've gained nothing. Mainly it's cause of my restricted eating cause I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes early on. But even though I have not gained weight both of my doctors say my babies are perfectly heathy and fine and that I should not be concerned at this point.

Between my low insulin production, my low vitamin D, and my low iron in addition to my prenatal vitamin I take two extra vitamins and a medication. Why so much? Well as my best friend put it "those babies need a lot from you and they are getting it" And you know what she is right. They do take every bit of what they need and for that I say take whatever babies! Cause I want them to be healthy and strong. So the deficiencies are a result of this and I just need to make sure I'm replenished.

Thank you God for everything. I continue to be in awe of you. I am grateful.

Monday, December 29, 2014

15 weeks + 6 days: Gender Reveal?!?!

Yesterday I had my 16 week ultrasound. Since it is twins that means twice the number of appointments and twice the amount of times for us to see our babies! Unfortunately the tech was not certain of the genders but thought that maybe baby A is a boy and baby B is a girl! I would be excited no matter the gender outcome but it does help me to feel closer to our babies. Although everyday I feel that bond growing.

This a question that I am realizing I will be asked everyday for the duration of this pregnancy. I know that people care and they too are excited about seeing these babies after they are born. Last week for a couple days I felt...well I felt almost nothing. I was kind of scary since during week 14 I saw my belly grow and was certain that I felt a little flutter. However this week not so much and it was scary. Again I had to relax and put my trust and my thoughts in Gods hands.

Sweet stuff! And I can't have any sweet stuff :( and this is why...

When I went to see the perinatologist a month ago he told me to see the nurse to have her give me the "teach". Basically I was given an extensive list of what I can and can not eat. Then I was taught how to prick my finger to check my blood sugar levels. Which I have to do four times a day. After a week of doing this I was told to take 1.25mg of Glyburide just before bed because my fasting sugars are inconsistent. This whole ordeal sucks big time. But I will do what needs to be done to ensure the well being of these babies.

Holding my babies for the first time!

That they are healthy babies.

Love, love - AUDREY